Thursday, June 18, 2009

Save the Earth, be a jerk to people!!

Green Rage...

Well just yesterday Evonne and I had the wonderful experience of being on the receiving end of some dude's non-violent road rage.  This is a run down of what happened.  We are approaching a red-light so naturally like any well education...well no really, like any normal person with at least an ounce of sense i was slowing down... i think that is what one does at a red light.  Suddenly a man in a honda like the one above honks his horn and whips past us into the left turn late.  So i think, "oh my i guess i was breaking a little too early for this red-light."  He meanwhile continued into his left turn lane which was funny enough a red light as well. [I guess he was in a hurry to get to the left turn lane for a red light.]  The next thing we noticed when he zoomed past us was that he was not only driving a honda but a honda hybrid.  So i thought well that is nice, he is saving the earth but saving gas, but deep down really pretty upset he just honked at me for braking [in his opinion] too soon.  (i just try and be easy on my brakes)

Then Evonne looked over as she was talking to me and apparently this guy was giving us this dirty look and pointing at us with his finger.  Almost like making a gun shape... i think his face looked something like this....


there was definitely drool...  Anyways so i am like just floored as to why he was so upset that he was moved to honk, speed by, and then point at us with his "hand" gun all with a ridiculous drool face plastered on his wannabe environmental head! :)  So i thought well he is saving the earth but being a big jerk to people.  Wait aren't people part of God's creation as well!  Consistency people.

I love the earth.  i love God's creation and i think we need to be stewards of this earth.  In fact i think it is our call as Christians and so far we have not done a great job at it.  Being Green, whatever you want to call it, is great, but we cannot have blinders on to everything else, especially other people.  Why are we making gas out of corn? Tens of thousands of people die everyday from malnutrition and starvation and we are using food to power our cars?  I am not saying i have all the answers but lets keep the whole picture in mind.  Also i confess i do a lot wrong in all of these subjects...  be green yeah that is great... just lets not be Green jerks! :)  

Am i green to help care for God's earth?  or am i green to save money?  or am i green cause it is cool? or am i green so people think i am a great person?  or am i green as long as it doesn't affect my lavish lifestyle?  tough questions and i think i would have to confess that i would have to answer yes to many of the later questions... what is my motivation....

Anyways... mostly the purpose was to laugh at the irony.. but also to think a bit... or maybe now you can write an angry comment... either way GREAT!!!

grace and peace

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